Optimizing Businesses With Expert Solutions

Facilities Management
Having hundreds of years of aggregate experience in facilities makes our offerings from seasoned professionals impactful. Our organization is made up of professionals in hard facilities management such as HVAC, electrical, plumbing, preventive maintenance standards, life-cycle asset maintenance, asset inventories, capital improvement planning, and soft facilities management areas of space planning, environmental health and safety, waste management, grounds keeping, cleaning, sanitation, and janitorial, security, mail management, regulatory and compliance, and many more.
We have the ability to provide interim facilities professionals on a temporary basis while our clients are searching for the perfect fit within their organization.
Efficiency Design and Expertise
Our operational efficiency program promises lean results through our consultancy experts who streamline and optimize an organization’s fundamental programs and processes, relating them to trends, and the changing market demands, making them lean and cost-effective.

Project Management
Our project managers are professionals who follow the ideals and structure of the Project Management Institute (PMI) along with expertise in healthcare, construction, oil and gas, corporate facilities, telecommunications, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, and other types of environments.
Quality, Operational Evaluation, Metrics, Analytics, Power BI Tools
Our operational team is well-versed in operational audits and quality reviews. We follow the Lean Six Sigma processes to ensure the study is comprehensive and delivers quality metrics and analytics to measure success in a longitudinal manner. We emphasize quality reporting with traceable metrics to weigh progress in our programs.
Our team includes expertise in executive coaching, leadership, and training. Our team includes certified change management professionals, John Maxwell leadership coaching and trainers, situational leadership, skills assessments, position description development, and competency testing.
Executive Coaching & Leadership Training

Environmental Health and Safety
Health and safety are the chief concern for all organizations because people are their greatest assets. The safety and well-being of employees, contractors, visitors, and everyone concerned is a major program in organizations. This is true whether the organization is preventing workplace accidents or developing a strategy for managing the COVID-19 pandemic.
An organization’s reputation for maintaining a safe environment that is compliant with regulatory and specific agencies such as OSHA, The Joint Commission (TJC), Center for Disease Control (CDC), and many more agencies. Our consultants in EHS guide you through evaluating Policy, planning, implementation of programs, measurements, reviews, and investigations when necessary.
Contracts and Supply Chain Management
In any organization’s commerce, the management of the flow of goods and services between individuals and businesses, locations, movement, and retention of materials, goods, and supplies are of vital importance. Trusted partners, contractors, vendors, and suppliers are important to financial success.
There are proven methods and procedures to ensure success from the suppliers, producers, and consumers. At ABCS, we have the ability to evaluate and improve your supply chain needs.

Organizational Effectiveness, Change, And Transformation
There is a difference between change and transformation. Change is inventing ways of doing things differently. Transformation is a new way of being or existing. While we may change our way of performing or doing things, the transformation occurs when there is an obvious change in the culture of the organization.
In order to transform an organization, you must first have a vision of what the organization desires to become, then create and implement the changes that must take place to create a roadmap to success in becoming the new organization. Our Change Professionals are highly trained in these areas.